Shoulder Bursitis

Shoulder Bursitis Summary Shoulder bursitis can be a painful and limiting condition, but understanding its intricacies is the first step towards effective management. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the definition, potential causes, the telltale signs and symptoms, diagnostic techniques, a range of treatment options, and essential preventive measures. By the end, you’ll have

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Meniscus Tear: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention

Meniscus Tear Summary A meniscus tear is a condition in which the crescent-shaped cartilage, known as the meniscus, between the knee joints, is damaged due to various factors. The main causes include traumatic injuries from strenuous activities and degenerative changes related to age. Meniscus tears can lead to symptoms like pain, tenderness, limitation of motion,

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Degenerative Arthritis

Degenerative Arthritis Summary Degenerative arthritis, also known as osteoarthritis, is a chronic joint condition that can affect anyone, regardless of age or activity level. In this blog post, we will delve into the definition, causes, symptoms, medical tests for diagnosis, treatments, prevention, and conclude with essential information on managing and preventing degenerative arthritis. Table of

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Meralgia Parasthetica

Meralgia Parasthetica Summary Meralgia paresthetica is a condition characterized by numbness, tingling, and pain in the outer thigh due to compression or irritation of the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve. Common causes include tight clothing, obesity, injury, pregnancy, and diabetes. Symptoms include numbness, tingling, burning, and sensitivity to touch in the outer thigh. Diagnosis involves a

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Baker’s cyst

Baker’s cyst Summary A Baker’s cyst, also known as a popliteal cyst, is a fluid-filled swelling that develops in the back of the knee. It is named after Dr. William Morrant Baker, who first described the condition in the 19th century. Baker’s cysts most commonly occur in adults and are often associated with underlying knee

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Torticollis in Adults

Torticollis in Adults 1. Introduction Torticollis is a condition where the neck tilts to one side and is accompanied by pain. When attempting to straighten the neck, pain occurs. It is a common condition, and in adults, it is typically characterized by slight neck discomfort upon waking up in the morning. The pain may worsen

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Case Review: Severe Recurrent Acute Lumbar Disc Injury

Case: Severe Recurrent Acute Lumbar Disc Injury Detailed explanations on how to manage Lumbar disc injury is provided Here. Case Middle aged man who has been coming into clinic before. Obese, low flexibility in lower body, lumbar and thoracic spine. Patient has had previous disc lumbar injury multiple times but without sciatica. Patient mentioned that

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